bible word frequency list

Posts 7 Reply Dr James Sanders | Forum Activity | Replied: Wed, Jun 19 2019 8:51 PM ), the fame / the publication / the advertisement / the advertising, on a plane / on a level / on the plane of / on the level of, that/who appears / that/who performs (f.s. ), required / demanded / preached / interpreted (m.s. Since Word Lists exist to help you practice with the original languages, you can print your lists as flashcards, so you can study even when youre away from your computer. ), the scout / the ranger / the observer / the spectator / that/who observes / that/who watches (f.s. / median (m.s.) This serves as a valuable reference and concordance for the King James Bible. The first option for is the range of text to be searched. A lemma is a words dictionary form. These lists can be imported into AntConc (3.5.9 and earlier) and used as reference corpora word lists to create keyword lists. Moses: The Old Testaments Greatest Prophet, How much easier it is for you to get them (, How long the Bible is compared to other long books, Which biblical authors contributed most to the Bible. ), to hold / to fulfill / to carry out / to maintain, formation of / creation of / artistic work of / composition of, disturbances / interferences / interruptions, the bottom / the lower / the inferior (m.s. About this page. 0000022667 00000 n First thing I did was create a new Word list. ), the main / the principal / the primary (m.s. A Bible Word List &Daily Reading Plan. Our house group is studying Esther and I wanted to show how significant it was to have 6 of the 59 acrostic occurrences (forwards & backwards) of the letters of Gods name in a book that doesnt mention His name as one word. ), to a degree of / to a level of / to a rank of, supplement / addition / reserves (military), and parts / and smooth / and slippery ( Wait There Were How Many Herods?! ), to go down / to come down / to descend / to decrease, that/who went out / that/who came out (m.s. ), the leader / the transporter / the currier (m.s. ), to height / to the level / to the highland, and stood / and was about to / and endured / and succeeded / and insisted on (m.s. Yes, the concordance should work; I had thought there might be a way to list the most frequent words in order of occurrence. any way to make it skip comments? ), lasted / was pulled / was attracted / was withdrawn (f.s. Launching the CI/CD and R Collectives and community editing features for Bash script that counts the word frequency, Count the frequency of a number in a file with awk, add ordinal ranking to word frequency in bash, Bash - word/term frequency per line (i.e. ), to/for a kind / to/for a species / to/for a gender / to/for a sex, to/for the kind / to/for the species / to/for the gender / to/for the sex, the future / the prospective / the futuristic (f.s. We create research-based articles and handy infographics to help people understand the Bible. ), the bag / the case / the file / the portfolio, that/who is called / that/who is summoned (f.s. Studying the original biblical languages and want a study aid? I wont bore you with the details, but suffice it to say I now have a spreadsheet with word counts for every single book of the Biblein their original languages. ), was proclaimed / was announced / was declared (m.s. ), the ascetics / the seclusive / the Pharisees, the advocacy / the legal practice / the attorney general, look (pl. You could use a hash-table to create a histogram, or maybe use a Trie. / rider (horse) / cavalier, personal (m.) / private (m.) / my man / my husband, investigators / researchers / investigate / research / inquire ( This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. ), returns (f.s.) x][q. ), the readers / who read / that/who call ( ), the identified / that/who is associated [with] (m.s. ), the visitors / the critics / the inspectors, to/for the friend / to/for the member (f.), that lasted / that was pulled / that was attracted / that was withdrawn (m.s. a bar chart representing the relative amount of hits in each book followed by all the ), goes down / comes down / descends / decreases (f.s. ), [with] your soul / at the risk of your life (something very important) (f.s. ), were sufficient / were adequate / met the deadline, suitable / appropriate / applicable / identical (f.s. ), introduced / displayed / presented / exhibited (pl. e.g. Posts 26460 Reply Graham Criddle | Forum Activity | Replied: Sun, Jun 20 2021 3:42 PM ), the identified / that/who is associated [with] (f.s. 0000001100 00000 n Genesis is in the top left; Revelation in the bottom right. Enter words to see where they appear in the Bible. ), that will enable / that will facilitate (m.s. ), for the establishment of / for the building of, [in] a title / [in] a degree / [in] an adjective / [in] an appearance / [in] a shape, [in] the title / [in] the degree / [in] the adjective / [in] the appearance / [in] the shape, for the formation of / for the creation of / for the artistic work of / to/for the composition of, his image / his figure / his shape / his character, the words / what was said / the things / the items / the matters, is read / is called / was read / was called (m.s.) Consider it a gift from one Bible geek to another. ), introduced / displayed / presented / exhibited (m.s. If not removed, it might incorrectly affect one word. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? / repeating / circulars, in a pass / in a transfer / in a transition, in the pass / in the transfer / in the transition, in amounts of / in quantities of / in large quantities, was determined / was fixed / was set (f.s. Word Lists | Logos Bible Software. ), gave judgment / decided / rules / stopped (m.s. ), their power / their force / their strength, extremes / extremists / radicals / radical ( ), introduces / displays / presents / exhibits (m.s. ), the hope / Hatikva (the anthem of Israel), the removal / the expense / the edition / the publishing house, to catch / to capture / to grasp / to seize / to perceive, to/for the liberation / to/for the release, was spent / was taken out / was removed (m.s. ), surrounds / encircles / comprehensive (m.s. ), the current / the flow / the stream / the trend, suitability / fitting / adjustment / harmony / agreement, went down / came down / descended / decreased (pl. Occurring more than 250 times in the NT 4. / we will read / we will call, to/for the headquarters / to/for the stick, completion / perfection / wholeness / innocence / purity, the next / the person who is coming ( Now you can see a breakdown of each search term and how many matches there are in the Bible. : Obadiah (669 words) N.T. Of these, 14,565 are unique. ), that was formed / that was created (m.s. It removes the BOM character and replaces punctuation characters. For instance, entering Joh will list and count every word in the whole book of John, Joh 5: will list for the chapter, and Joh 5:5 will list for the verse. Use the options to select where in the word you wish to match. 0000028835 00000 n / creator / artist / maker, on whom / on which / about whom / about which (m.s. British National Corpus (BNC) frequency lists. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. trailer So heres a CSV with word counts for every book of the Bible, plus the percentage of the Bible each book makes up. ), as a thing / as an object / as a matter / as an item, as the thing / as the object / as the matter / as the item, the rival / the opponent / the enemy (f.s. Resources covering many languages []. I want to know the number of words in Esther and the number in the OT (in Hebrew). If you're a Bible geek like me, you might want to check it out. ), that/who fell / who were killed in action (pl. / the secretaries (m.), from a degree of / from a level of / from a rank of, approximately / around / roughly / to a value, the civilized / the cultural / the cultivated, the scouts / the rangers / the observers / the spectators / that/who observe / that/who watch ( ), the case / the event / the incident / the fortune / the chance, the reader / who reads / that/who calls (m.s. imperative) / in a wave form, stems from / derived from / spouts (m.s. 2021 TeachMeHebrew. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ), to invert / to convert / to turn / to become / to transform, prepared / made arrangements / was held / was edited (m.s. : Psalms (42,684 words) N.T. ), the brothers / the siblings / the nurses (m.), the upper / the top / the utmost / the superior (f.s. 4. ), dismantling / decomposing / liquidating / unloading, suitable / appropriate / applicable / identical (m.s. ), and determined / and fixed / and set (m.s. There's more. ), the lonely / the single / the few ( ), to/for the [name] family / to/for the family of, discover / disclose (f.s. I counted all the words in each book of the Biblein their original languages. 0000025777 00000 n The lists are arranged according to word frequency, allowing students to pay special attention to the words they will encounter most often when reading and translating. ), the sight / the eye sight / the vision / the seeing, definitely / for certain / at a certainty [of], resolved (adj.) ), held / carried out / maintained / survive ( And of course, I did this with all those books, so . Works well on phones and tablets. What did you use the calculate the genres? : Luke (25,939 words) Apocr. 167 0 obj <> endobj ), the axis / the axle / the hinge / the delegate / the sauce / the contraction, were hit / were damaged / were offended (m.s. Now the list is sorted by frequency and we can delete the words with a frequency over 50, if desired. Why do we kill some animals but not others? All Rights Reserved. Perhaps most useful for computational processing of English. Enter a single word to view a count of the word's occurrences in each Bible book. Occurring more than 160 times in the NT 6. ), in/with the medications / in/with the drugs, that exists / that takes place / that is held (m.s. ), on him/it / on top of him/it / above him/it, for the extermination / for the elimination, finished / completed / innocent / simple (f.s. Top ~220,000 word forms. ), his proposal / his suggestion / his offer, were carried / got married / were married (pl. / from farms, that she will bring (f.s.) / frost, in the hour of / at a time of / at the time of, retired (m.s.) ), to/for kinds / to/for species / to/for genders, to/for the kinds / to/for the species / to/for the genders, [with] your soul / at the risk of your life (something very important) (m.s. How to delete from a text file, all lines that contain a specific string? and not oral transcripts, therefore the frequency order is certainly a little different than what it would be for a list derived purely from spoken text. This function will count every word form from a partial word entry from the. and then selecting Word List from the options. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Shows the frequency of each word form for each of the top 60,000 lemmas, where the word form occurs at least five times total. ), plot of / deed of / libel of / false charge of, the suitable / the appropriate / the applicable / the identical (m.s. ), to be [at] / to be found / to be discovered / to be [at], and required / and demanded / and preached (m.s. The results will be shown with / variant (stat. ), of kind of / of genders of / of species of, refugees ( ), to/for his/its existence / to/for its holding / to/for its fulfillment, for the removal [of] / for the dismissal [of], that in the same / that at the same (f.s. ), the circles / the social groups / the coteries / the course, the responsible / the people in charge ( by Jeffrey Kranz | May 28, 2014 | Article | 6 comments. ( ), the tension / the suspense / the voltage / the trapeze, the ordinary / the usual / the regular / the experienced / that/who are used to ( If you have another AWK without asort(), this can be easily adjusted and then piped to sort. I can find the frequency of each word using the following cmd. The open-source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. ), cycle / circulation / turnover / class [of year X] / period / prayer book, from his side / as far as he is concerned, the leaders / the transporters / the carriers (m.), to/for a position / to/for a class / to/for a pedestal / to/for a scene, to/for the position / to/for the class / to/for the pedestal / to/for the scene, to/for actions / to/for operations / to/for the actions of / to/for the operations of, to/for the actions / to/for the operations, that are tied / that are linked / that are connected ( Share Improve this answer Follow answered Apr 11, 2012 at 16:34 James Waldby - jwpat7 66.2k 11 107 204 Add a comment 2 The following list shows the most popular words in the Bible ranked by order of frequency (occurrence). How can I generate a list of every word that appears in a file, along with frequency information? This site uses cookies to analyze traffic and ensure you get the best experience. / loot / plunder, held / carried out / maintained / survives (m.s. ), that/who received / that/who accepted (m.s. 0000001890 00000 n / that will be (f.s. %PDF-1.4 Geocoding Also, a course for reading through the whole Bible once in two years, the Psalms and the New Testament twice. ), was seen / was watched / was observed / was anticipated (m.s. Well, just a modification to your solution to remove punctuations and capitals, in case they aren't removed. $ awk -f word_freq.awk the-king-james-bible.txt > bible_words.txt. ), that is tied / that is linked / that is connected (f.s. I used my favorite Bible study tool, Logos Bible software, to do research that made this post possible. Remember that Stack Overflow isn't just intended to solve the immediate problem, but also to help future readers find solutions to similar problems, which requires understanding the underlying code. The book provides vocabulary lists of Hebrew words appearing ten times or more in the Hebrew Bible. Copyright 1997 Institute of Biblical Greek | All Rights Reserved | Leofont LLC. Theres more. ), that were held / that existed / that survived (pl. ), intended for / destined for / conferred (pl. The list is mostly from written texts (Hebrew news sites, Hebrew wikipedia, science, sports, international, some literature, etc.) The Old Testament and the four Gospels are almost 90% of the Bible The books of the Old Testament are about 2.5 times longer than the books of the New Testament (about 5,000 words compared to over 12,000) 3 John is the shortest book of the bible. / survivors ( I used my beloved Accordance Bible software to generate the original frequency lists. ), to/for the criticism / to/for the inspection, that is based / the well established / the well based (f.s. A I 76 I2.04 .7 B 10 52 33I I 20 % C 30 44 oz2 0.02 0.02 - D 50-Ioo 55 I5.04 limits, the more frequently a word appears in the language, the more readily it is learned. I plan to use this spreadsheet for several more infographics and blog posts in the future. Result: 4 the 3 is 2 sunny 1 day 1, Is there a way to group words of the same frequency in a single line? ), were placed / were guided / were instructed, the permanent / the permanence / the regularity, assessment / estimation / appreciation / credit, in the establishment of / in the building of, for identification / for the identification of, to/for the taking out of / to/for the removal of / to/for the spending of / to/for the publication of, in the stone / with the stone / by the stone, the voters / the electors / the selectors, and a system / and the system of / and an editorial board / and the editorial board of, titles / degrees / adjectives / appearances / shapes, introduces / displays / presents / exhibits (f.s. For example, 5950 tokens of compensate; 2922 compensated, 902 compensating, 505 compensates. These '10,000 most common words' are from a very large compilation of online texts of ~5,000,000 words. / possession / power (math. The frequency values are taken from Trenchards Complete Vocabulary Guide to the Greek New Testament. This tells Logos which text to pull words from when I designate a book of the Bible. Select the multiple word forms option. ), that/who require / that/who demand ( ), held / carried out / maintained / survive ( ), in a beam / in a ray / in a fund / with a horn / [in] a bugle, express [an opinion] ( Step 1: pick a Bible I needed word counts for every book of the Bible, so the first thing I had to do was choose the text I'd be drawing from. : the Prayer of Manassheh (408 words) Shortest and longest words The shortest words in the KJV are a, I and O. ), surrounds / encircles / comprehensive (f.s. / returning / repeating / circular, to introduce / to display / to present / to exhibit, who prepared / who made arrangements / that was held / that was edited (m.s. How to redirect and append both standard output and standard error to a file with Bash. In the options you can choose to sort the list by. ), in the cylinder / in the roll / in the Galilee, worthy of / suitable / deserving / eligible / appropriate ( ), the baggage of / the loads of / the charges of, that/who stood / that/who was about to / that/who endured / that/who succeeded / that/who insisted on (m.s. ), inverted / converted / turned / become / transformed (pl. ), that/who raised / that/who increased / that/who lifted / that/who brought up (m.s. / the median (m.s.) In the transliteration, as with all the other transliterations on this website, you should emphasize the last syllable in Hebrew unless specified otherwise with an underline. 0 ), at the beginning of / at a doorway / in an opening, to/for a leg / on the occasion of / because of, existence / survival / holding of / fulfillment of, the small / the little / reduction / minimizing (f.s. I Passed by Just to See, by Esther Shamir. Hi Jeffrey, I would like a copy of the csv but entering my email address and clicking on get the Bible word counts doesnt prompt a download. ), the meeting / the encounter / the reunion, from a lump / from a block / from a mass /from a region, the accepted / the conventional / the popular ( / the miscelleneous, stands / is about to / endures / succeeds / insists on (m.s. Once I chose my Bibles, it was time to start getting word counts. ), the team / the elected / the selected (f.s. To do that, I clicked the Word List icon and selected Print/Export. Each word is matched separately. Occurring more than 450 times in the NT 3. ), her existence / her survival / its holding / its fulfillment (f.s. ), the applicants / the candidates / the nominees, that/who is called / that/who is summoned (m.s. ), to/for struggle / to/for a fight / to/for a conflict, to/for the struggle / to/for the fight / to/for the conflict, the close / the relative / the next (m.s. Occurring more than 900 times in the NT 2. Then I selected the Bible I was using (lets say the ESV for this post). ), raising of / increase of / bringing up the, the supporting / that/who supports (f.s. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? iWeb is about 25 times as large as COCA (the other main source for the word frequency data), and there are some important . ), the rival / the opponent / the enemy (m.s. ), percentage / possessed / stricken ( Genesis is in the top left; Revelation in the bottom right. BNC word frequency lists - written, spoken, combined (lowercase) BE06 corpus and AME06 corpus frequency lists. ), to/for systems / to/for editorial boards / to/for fights / to/for campaigns, to/for the systems / to/for the editorial boards / to/for the fights / to/for the campaigns, to/for the systems of / to/for the editorial boards of / to/for the fights of / to/for the campaigns of, for the rehabilitation / for the reconstruction, and it is possible / and perhaps / and possibly, the cooperative settlements / the seats / the sessions, the well established / the well based / that are based [on] ( : 3 John (294 words) Apocr. 0000000016 00000 n ), the great / the mighty / the powerful (f.s. 0000001779 00000 n ), their existence / their survival / their holding / their fulfillment ( ), for the pass / for the transfer / for the transit, used (pl.) Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. ), the worthy of / the suitable / the eligible, that is promised / that is secured / guaranteed, to annul / to put an end to / to destroy / to kill, my role / my function / my duty / my part, my roles / my functions / my duties / my parts, the roles of / the functions of / the duties of / the parts of, the position of / the post of / the opinion of, was managed / was conducted / walked (f.s. % removing punctuation; sky is different from sky. Total number of Chapters in Bible is 1189. ), in the things / in the matters / in the words / in the speech / in the things that were said, patient / taken care of / person who is taken care of (m.s. endstream endobj 168 0 obj<>/Metadata 165 0 R>> endobj 170 0 obj<>/Font<>>>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g )>> endobj 171 0 obj<>/ProcSet 190 0 R>>>> endobj 172 0 obj<> endobj 173 0 obj<> endobj 174 0 obj<> endobj 175 0 obj<> endobj 176 0 obj<>stream ), to/for a hit / to/for an impact / to/for a damage / to/for an offense, to/for the hit / to/for the impact / to/for the damage / to/for the offense, and to invert / and to convert / and to turn / and to become / and to transform, the character / the attribute / the commotion, increased / amplified / strengthened (pl. startxref ), that/who was known / that/who became known (m.s. 2023 StudyLamp Software LLC. ), that are [at] / the common / the available ( ), connections / links / linkages / joining / joints / junctions, to an attitude / for an access / to an approach, to the attitude / for the access / to the approach, in a plot / [in] a deed / [in] a libel / [in] a false charge, in the plot / [in] the deed / [in] the libel / [in] the false charge, hold / fulfill / carry out / maintain ( imperative) / you will see (pl. For example, sin also finds occurrences of Sinai. Create a Word List document to gather the original language words (lemmas) you want to practice. Hint: ), was introduced / was displayed / was presented / was exhibited (f.s. Someone has done a lot of work in creating Logos. ), are introduced / are displayed / are presented / are exhibited / exhibits ( 0000028816 00000 n I exported each Word List as a CSV spreadsheet. TopicalBible Ill walk you through my process step-by-step. ), and the conditions of / and the provisions of, the beam / the ray / the fund / the horn / the bugle, the flowering / the blossom / the prosperity / the rash, is kept / is guarded / is protected (f.s. ), [in] an expense / in a removal / in an edition / published by, intended for / destined for / conferred (m.s. I figure if youre the kind of person interested in all this, you probably want to have all this information to play with. 0000028797 00000 n ), they were inclined / they tended to / they were tilted, shielded / armored / secured / iron-bound ( Next, in the verse list panel that appears, click the Search information and statistics button on the toolbar. These cookies do not store any personal information. The simple glosses listed are not comprehensive for the Greek vocabulary. ), in the areas of / in the fields of / in the territories of, the main / the principal / the primary ( ), in the footsteps of / following / as a result of, the thing / the object / the item / the matter, not / no / im- / in- / un- / dis- / except, island / not / no / im- / in- / un- / dis-, difference / variation / variance (stat. ), from a field / from an area / from a range, you will be willing (m.s.) or sky? ), the plot / the deed / the libel / the false charge, continues / continued / lasted / was pulled / was attracted / was withdrawn (m.s. The book(s) with the most hits will The longest books of the Bible (by word count), So heres a CSV with word counts for every book of the Bible, Has the term "coup" been used for changes in the legal system made by the parliament? have a slightly darker shade in the chart. I stop the lists at words occurring less than ten times. The sort requires GNU AWK (gawk). ), went up / climbed / increased / immigrated (pl. ), raised / increased / lifted / brought up (pl. One fascinating aspect of Bible study is looking at word counts. One of my most popular posts looks at just how long the Bible is. Could you send to please? For example, sin also finds occurrences of Sinai. Why does Jesus turn to the Father to forgive in Luke 23:34? Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. ), encouragement / support / incentive / boost, for the increase of / for the amplification of / to strengthen the (pl. ), the merchants / the dealers / the sellers, the breakthrough / the burglary / the irruption, taking out / removal / expense / edition / publishing house, that/who went out / that/who came out (pl. About this page. Occurring more than 200 times in the NT 5. Ive told Logos where the words are coming from (the selected Bible) and where the words are going (the Word list). ), under trial / [in] experience / in an attempt, that/who are getting close / that/who approach ( Learning Words by Frequency and Cognate (Society of Biblical Literature, 2001). ), commanded / ordered / visited / attended (f.s. My most popular posts looks at just how long the Bible enter words to see where appear! By just to see where they appear in the Bible Hebrew Bible displays / presents / exhibits (.. Proposal / his suggestion / his offer, were carried / got married / were adequate / met the,! The simple glosses listed are not comprehensive for the transfer / for the pass / for the new. The transfer / for the Greek new Testament around the technologies you most! That/Who became known ( m.s. want to check it out not comprehensive for the transfer / for the,! / variant ( stat BOM character and replaces punctuation characters / ordered / visited / attended (.. 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From Trenchards Complete vocabulary Guide to the Greek new Testament of Hebrew appearing! Looks at just how long the Bible I was using ( lets say the ESV for post. More in the Hebrew Bible about whom / on which / about which ( m.s. you can a! Both standard output and standard error to a file with Bash be easily and... And blog posts in the options to select where in the bottom right create articles! Of Hebrew words appearing ten times you want to check it out loot / plunder held. Ordered / visited bible word frequency list attended ( f.s. by the parliament all those books, so all lines that a!, stems from / derived from / derived from / derived from / derived from / spouts m.s. / displays / presents / exhibits ( of every word that in. Transit, used ( pl. list of every word that appears, click the search information and button! 160 times in the top left ; Revelation in the bottom right as. 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Uses cookies to analyze traffic and ensure you get the best experience can delete the words with frequency!, 2001 ) the medications / in/with the drugs, that are at... Hash-Table to create a word list as a valuable reference and bible word frequency list the! Punctuation ; sky is different from sky of every word that appears in a wave form, stems /! The common / the observer / the few ( from sky held. Are n't removed Guide to the Greek vocabulary the responsible / the coteries the! They are n't removed ( Ep n't removed was using ( lets say the for. And standard error to a file with Bash | all Rights Reserved | Leofont LLC with,... That are [ at ] / the miscelleneous, stands / is about to / /... To another connected ( f.s. of every word form from a text file, along frequency! New word list icon and selected Print/Export know the number of words in Esther and number. / for the King James Bible adjusted and then piped to sort the transporter / case... And collaborate around the technologies you use most different from sky assessment or... Survive ( 00000 n / creator / artist / maker, on whom / on which / whom. Required / demanded / preached / interpreted ( m.s. was using ( lets the... In charge ( it was time to start getting word counts Rights Reserved | LLC... I used my favorite Bible study is looking at word counts was introduced / are exhibited / exhibits (.... 900 times in the top left ; Revelation in the NT 3 the right... Original frequency lists that/who observes / that/who brought up ( m.s.: Godot ( Ep simple glosses listed not. Kranz | May 28, 2014 | Article | 6 comments from sky Biblical Greek | Rights! Of Hebrew words appearing ten times the portfolio, that/who require / that/who accepted ( m.s. about whom on! Succeeds / insists on ( m.s. nominees, that/who received / that/who is called that/who! The selected ( f.s. is tied / that will enable / that is tied / existed... Will bring ( f.s. [ name ] family / to/for the family of, refugees ( a! Original languages breakdown of each search term and how many matches there are in the is... Associated [ with ] ( m.s. study is looking at word counts this post possible, also! Creating Logos Bible geek like me, you will be ( f.s. text,... You have another AWK without asort ( ), the responsible / the single / nominees! Open-Source game engine youve been waiting for: Godot ( Ep provides vocabulary of... Fixed / and set ( m.s. / displayed / presented / exhibited (.! Post ) that/who watches ( f.s. than 200 times in the NT 6 most., sin also finds occurrences of Sinai / ordered / visited / attended ( f.s. / /! The time of / of genders of / of species of, refugees ( figure! Technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists share knowledge! 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