doctors speak out against flu shot

Im getting vaccinated, so hang with me because I might cry, Adams joked. As doctors and lawyers following these developments closely note, the COVID-19 vaccine rollout campaign ties in with the World Economic Forums Great Reset which WEF director Klaus Schwab says seeks to use the virus as an opportunity to dramatically restructure economies, food supply and politics around the world. Pfizer/BioNtech Vaccine is for people age 16 and older. Dr McCullough is not alone in claiming the virus and the rollout of the vaccines are part of a bioterrorism programme that has been years in the making and involves patents, lucrative contracts, and the involvement of health organizations including Americas CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the media and social media hyping up the fear and attempting to suppress any challenge to the official narrative. The news first came out on June 25 on a Spanish television show. In fact, for the 2017-2018 flu season, the CDC estimated that the overall effectiveness of the flu vaccine against influenza A and B was only 40% (reducing a persons risk of needing to seek medical care by 40%). Photo: AFP. People with Guillain-Barre syndrome -- a disease that results in nerve damage -- should avoid getting vaccinated as well, since respiratory illnesses can trigger an episode. Schaffner added that, in the midst of an influenza outbreak, it is crucial to have healthy people on hand to take care of patients. Georgetown University Medical Center's Dr. Jesse Goodman, who formerly served as chief scientist at the Food and Drug Administration, talked about the latest on COVID-19 and the new recommendation . Nevertheless, no treatment in medicine is 100% effective. Now we appear to have hundreds of millions of people who are being injected with a pathogen stimulating computer sequence which is being sold under what the patent office, the medical profession and what the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its own clinical standards would not suggest is a vaccine, yet by using the term vaccine they are being subjected to what is alleged to be a biological weapon. Health care workers reflect on the pros and cons of getting flu vaccines. Every year, influenza causes hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and tens of thousands of deaths in the United States, she said, noting that were still concerned about hospital capacity related to COVID, so its important to do everything we can to keep people out of the hospital and getting a flu shot is one of the best things we can do to stay healthy during flu season., Additionally, it is possible to get influenza and COVID at the same time, and then you really have that double whammy in terms of two significant respiratory illnesses, said Dr. Kirley. After working for years in the pediatric and cardiothoracic ICUs, I have developed a healthy respect for any infection that comes through the doors of the ICU. Try as he may, it is hard for Dr Fauci to challenge the growing paper trail, interviews, statements and his own emails that indicate his involvement. Meanwhile, 28% said they never get the flu, 24% are concerned about getting the flu from the vaccine and 20% do not think influenza is a series illness. }); For the 2022-2023 flu season, there are three flu vaccines that are preferentially recommended for people 65 years and older. "Vaccines are the single best public health tool we have for managing influenza.". Doctors were more likely to say they had or would order it (42%) than were nurses, at 37%. Someone gave them the flu, Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams said. In fact, according to a 2018 article from The Lancet by Iuliano AD, et al., a median estimate of 45,000 children young than 5 (studied from 92 countries) die annually from respiratory complications caused by influenza. "I haven't had the flu in [11] years," Ludwick said. get the boosters going and really . It was reportedly patented in April 2002 before the outbreak in Asia. The current rush for oxygen cylinders indicates that while some may be in need of oxygen, other forms of suitable COVID-19 treatment may not be being provided. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and others from influenza. Harris, Niamh. Dr. Robert Malone gestures as he stands in his barn on . Copyright 1995 - 2023 American Medical Association. Adams and other leading doctors urged Americans to start getting the annual flu shots now and, as happens every September, rolled up their sleeves to get immunized for the cameras. After all, vaccines typically take years to develop and test. Everyone should get it, especially seniors. What all this suggests is that this was not a public health crisis, rather it was an opportunistic marketing campaign to get the public to accept a pan-corona vaccine countermeasure. Research and the revelations in public records including the patenting of coronaviruses reveal a frightening reality. A growing body of medical opinion is now questioning the COVID-19 story and the rush to push out a vaccine, now just over six months into rollout. I barely take a vitamin. $('.mega-back-button-deepdives').on('click', function(e) { It is delivered through shots in the muscle of the upper arm. And here we are caught up with an inconvenient truth allegations that the COVID-19 pandemic was man-made and planned. Olivia Newton John recently revealed that she has no plans to get the vaccine "at this point" in time, while managing stage 4 breast cancer. Visit the OnCall+ Cold & Flu Center. Although the flu shot is not as effective as other vaccines, it still greatly lowers the risk of death, said Dr. William Schaffner, medical director for the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases. See the latest corrections to the AMA-published CPT Code Books. Its high, but its consistent with what we had last season, the CDCs flu division director, Dr. Daniel Jernigan, told NBC News. Speaking with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors on a video call in June, Dr McCullough outlined in some depth the claim that COVID-19 was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent phase two of that bioweapon. Overall, 71% of 575 U.S. doctors who were polled said they thought the available evidence supports giving boosters to people who have already had two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 .