sermon lord help me to hold out

When David cried out to God, the Lord did not ignore him. He's fighting for you. Psalm 40:1-11, Denomination: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. The amount of anxiety on planet earth has multiplied exponentially in recent years, and the pandemic has only served to speed that trend up. According to the New Testament, the rite was instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper; giving his disciples bread and wine . Here are eleven ways to help bring in the reign of God and see His will done and find sweet relief. I have called on the Lord many times in my life. Understand that David was not blowing his situation out of proportion. It's worth going on line and downloading the album. Heres a case in point. Lord, help me to hold out [x3] Until my change has come [Verse:] My way may not be easy You did not say that it would be But when it gets dark Can't see my way Told me to put my trust [x3] in Thee [Bridge:] Hold out When my way gets weary I can Hold out Until my change comes [Vamp:] Hold out Hold out, don't give up Help is on the way [Rap:] 151 views, 6 likes, 8 loves, 22 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Miller Memorial Baptist Church: Sunday, February 26, 2023~ Reverend Damaris Y Walker, Esq., Pastor ~ Scripture: Song of. 2. If not, then perhaps today is the day when that all changes for you. BUT THE BIRD HAS LOST HIS SONG. Look Up We have looked at John Bakers eight principals and they have Download Now Lord, help me to hold out (3X's) Until my change has come Verse My way may not be easy You did not say that it would be But when it gets dark Can't see my way Told me to put my trust (3X's) in Thee Bridge Hold out When my way gets weary I can Hold out Until my change comes Vamp Hold out Hold out, don't give up Help is on the way Rap As the singer moves into the verses, we learn about the struggle. YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH THE WRINGER AND YOU DONT HAVE MUCH SONG LEFT. Just because the Lord doesnt do what we expect him to do, or hope for him to do, doesnt mean he isnt listening. Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. We trust; we lean; we grab tight as we walk through the valleys, longing and hoping for the day of victory; for another trip to the mountain top; in which we have full confidence will one day come. Glory to the newborn king; From histemple he heard my voice,and my cry to him reached his ears. (v.6). With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation." At the point where his enemy, Saul, was coming after him, David had fighting men with him. It started early in the day, and nobody was really ready for it, and already the ground was icy one of those. Proverbs 19:1-28:1, God tells us to fear not, He will hold our hand, Thomas Dorsey (1899-1993 - not the famous ball player) has an honored title of 'The Father of Gospel Music', and his music is loved around the world. Luke 2:38 It has been an awful experience. The greatest harm that the evil one can do against us is to keep us from knowing the truth about the Lord and his great love for us and his plan for our life and eternity. He didnt just have to cry out to the Lord for help against Saul one time. Isaiah 49:8, Isaiah 65:24, Psalm 30, Psalm 37:25, Psalm 40:1-5, Psalm 91:15, Psalms 40:1-5, Sermon Topics: box-shadow:inset 0px 1px 0px 0px #fed897; November 29, 2015 -moz-border-radius-topright:0px; GOD HAS THE OPTION OF RESPONDING WITH THREE WAYS: WE HATE THE WAIT, AS MUCH AS A NO IF IT IS YES, I WANT IT RIGHT NOW. Spread the word if you need a word! As I think about this song, I am struck by the fact that pains and problems are accepted as normal in this song. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Assembly Of God. Text: Psalms 121 Introduction: When things look dreary, like there is no hope, you can call on the Lord, like David. Enlighten my perspective so I can see my unforgiveness the same way You do and to desire to give forgiveness with the. At least, they apply only to mythological beings like Satan or Lucifer, designed to personify abstract ideas - not to mortal creatures, whether human or otherwise. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.". 56:8). Methodist. He wasnt going to go anywhere else because he had come to know just exactly who Yahweh God was. Whats mine is yours and Im going to share it. We must share our strength with those whom we see losing their fire and becoming embittered and bruised by the journey of life. This was Davids constant response to the threats from his enemies, In my distress I called upon theLord;to my God I cried for help. (v. 6). For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers (Rom. He then shows us just how strong he is on our behalf and how much he loves us. Psalms 118:7 - The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. David says that the Lord is the horn of his salvation. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. Tim Hansel Peace and Light to you! I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Based on the great hymn Paul shows us that the key to the anchor is the rope. 1. Just look around and see what is going on in our world today, we are in great need for help because we are making a shamble of this life and our only help is found only in God Himself, our Jehovah Ezer. Galatians 2:16 "Yet we know that a man is justified or reckoned righteous and in right standing with God not by works of the Law but only through faith and absolute reliance to trust in Jesus the Anointed One. Six months into our ministry in PA everything fell apart, and for the next two years my almost daily prayer was to ask the Lord to get us out of there. 1 Samuel 11 -moz-border-radius-topleft:0px; 1One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayerat three in the afternoon. Please help us Lord willing to; Stand outside Sports events and . WHEN WE ARE CALLING OUT TO THE LORD- KNOW, HE LIFTED ME OUT OF THE SLIMY PIT, OUT OF THE MUD AND MIRE, GOD WANTS TO LIFT YOU OUT TODAY OUT OF THE PIT YOU ARE IN, ***GOD IS IN THE PEOPLE BUSINESS AND HE DESIRES TO TAKE CARE OF US, THEY TELL ME THE MORE YOU MOVE AROUND IN QUICK SAND THE FASTER YOU SINK. We must hold out and keep believing that we will see the goodness of the Lord, not just for some, but for all, while we yet live. Sermon: "Lord Help Me To Hold Out" from Pastor Deborah Dukes 0 Loading Content. read more, Scripture: And they said unto the messengers that came, Thus shall you say unto the men of Jabeshgilead, Tomorrow, by that time the sun is hot, you shall have help. You may know that the Lord loves you, but do you know that he likes you also? Psalm 34:18 How to Hold On When Everything Is Coming Apart. Too many people forget the mighty works that God has done in the past for us. Most of us have prayed this prayer Yes, he knows your sin and the hard places of your heart. We fear what might happen to us. To view the Google Drive folders, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Matthew 21:22. He cried out to Yahweh God. ***REALIZE WHEN YOU CRY OUT TO GOD- YOU HAVE HIS FULL ATTENTION. "Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. His words found in Psalm 18 show us how he responded to it and came through to the other side. As he brings you through you will then experience the final truth which David shares at the very beginning of the psalm. Lundium placerat mus massa nunc habitasse. Our problem, like Jacob's, is that all too often we want to use God and His blessings to further our own ends. Close Pastor Deborah Dukes - February 14, 2021 Lord Help Me To Hold Out Watch More Sermons from Pastor Deborah Dukes AND STICKS HIM BACK ON THE PERCH. I want to briefly share with you the nature of Davids description of the Lord. Isaiah 41:10, Denomination: Held in the nail-pierced hands of the potter. Matthew 5:1-5:12 }. Introduction: Very early on, all the misfits and the men in debt and those needing a second chance came to him. It is a greater conflict between those who trust in God and those who trust in human ability and understanding. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. I want to hold Nazarene, SOME OF YOU THIS MORNING SAY AMEN TO THAT THE FASTER THE BETTER LORD, I ALWAYS SAY TO JANE MILLER HOW YOU DOING AND SHE WILL ALWAYS SAY HANGING IN THERE AND WE LAUGH AND I ASK HER IF SHE IS WHITE KNUCKLED HANGING IN THERE. The Philistines knew all about David, so he must have been pretty desperate to go there. Apostolic, In our text, Paul tells of some people who were helpful in the ministry and some who were not. Nothing is more beautiful than God transforming me into the image of Jesus: And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Once you begin to call on the Lord for help, you will start to know in your own personal experience the same thing that David knew to be true and wrote down for us in the psalm. I'll give you a long life, give you a long drink of salvation!" Read full chapter Psalm 90 As we will see a little later, David knew he could trust God to save him because he knew who God was. Thank you, Shana! I have wondered if my mind has been changed for good. For if you hold on, your change will come. Yet, through this bumpy road a few things have become very clear for me. With his nail-pierced hands, Jesus the potter reaches into the messy clay of our lives and sculpts each of us into a masterpiece. We need high and thick walls to keep the lies of our enemy from penetrating our minds. 34:18) Ask the Lord to help you feel His uplifting power as He rescues you from all kinds of Perhaps it will be the betrayal of a spouse. He not only loves you unconditionally. Ahimelech gave him some food and also the sword of Goliath which was being kept there. top:1px; 1) Most people pray. David says to the Lord, I love you, O Lord, my strength. (v.1) This is one of the most incredibly powerful statements in the Bible which we all miss because we are English speakers. Is it your first response to turn to the Lord? Baptist, The Holy Spirit helps us realize that a person living according to a lawful orientation is always looking for guidelines by which everyones actions can be regulated. But not in such sort as he has been reproved by Eliphas. Remember that David killed Goliath, the Philistine. Psalm 27:13 (NKJV). Our response is to recognize that the Lord saves us because he loves us. God, just help us to hold out, because truly we know that our living is not in vain, and with your help and your help alone if we ask, you will help us in whatever area it is that we struggle I claim it done right now!! Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Psalms 37:5 - Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. When David cried out to God for help, Im sure he was hoping that he could find a safe place to live away from Saul, but that didnt happen for years. The verse that I memorized so long ago from Proverbs 3:5-6 is still relevant and true. -moz-border-radius-bottomright:0px; I was standing in the back of the bus going to our next concert. Indeed his hands are never too far from reaching us in times of trouble. He was constantly on the run, much of the time in fear for his life. David had confidence when he went up against Goliath. We continue to pray, hold onto hope and wait. A change is gonna come. Charismatic. My way may not easy, You did not say that it would be, But when it gets dark, I cant see my way, You told me to put my trust in Thee, Thats why Im asking you to help me to hold out. David wrote, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Sign up for weekly email with information, Can We Pray For You?Get Prayer From All of Us. YOU HEARD ME TELL THE STORY OF THE PET BIRD SUCKED UP BY THE VACUUM CLEANER, OWNER TAKES THE BIRD OUT OF THE VACUUM AND WASHES HIM, DRIES HIM,. He also killed all the men, women and children in that city. We are continuing through the Second Book of the Psalms now on Wednesday evenings. !.meet me at Olivet Baptist Wednesday at 730 for one night revival. if i can only hear from heaven, Lord. "John, what exactly is the problem and please calm down? After all, the religious person could argue (and some have) that God is ultimately in charge of . Watch on. You might remember. This is so crucial that I have to really emphasize it for us. Yet, the hymn writer said that faith is the victory, for all who will yet believe. We all go through challenging or awkward times in our lives. Have you ever been in the situation when you needed to pray an instant prayer for Gods help, in a situation of great danger? Help me, O Lord my God; Save me according to Your lovingkindness. 3) Most of us would like some practical help in prayer. Lord Help Me To Hold Out, featuring Spencer Taylor and Doug Williams. As one reads through the Scriptures, he will soon find that the Bible has much to say on the subject of waiting. Call out to the Lord Jesus. United Methodist. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed a simple prayer of, "Lord, if you are willing please take this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done.". Lord help me to hold out , please Lord wont you help me I begging you Lord pleaset Jesus Help Me to to Hold out Until my Until My change come, Verse 2: My way may not easy You did not say that it would be But when it gets dark I can't see my way You told me to put my trust in Thee That's why I'm asking you Unfortunately, your shopping bag is empty. read more, Scripture: Early in the morning I want to place before you the promise for the year. When David was in great trouble he called on the Lord for help, and the Lord rescued him. Even when it seems like he is hiding face, he is working his grace to complete a beautiful work in you. When David was a young boy watching his fathers sheep, he had to protect them from lions and bears. Lord, Help Me Change! Today is the start and over the next 3 weeks, we will look at scriptures in the birth story of Jesus which tells us Fear Not! However, we all have an enemy in the being of the Evil One who seeks our harm on a daily basis. So David again began to fear for his life. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy. And it echoes in my mind, keeps me awake tonight - I know You've cast my sin as far as the east is from the west, And I stand . As the singer moves into the verses, we learn about the struggle. 1 Samuel 11:1-9, Denomination: This is the same word that David uses in Psalm 40 when he says that the Lord, lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mudand mire; Let them ALL grow together.. Heres how David describes the Lords response to his cry for help. God bottles every tear that his people have shed (see Ps. Although the magnitude and kind of our troubles are different, the feeling of being in trouble to the extent that we are overwhelmed comes to all of us at some time or another. As the singer moves into the verses, we learn about the struggle. God allows this to happen to us, and others, to encourage faith, which allows for our spiritual growth. 1 Samuel 18:29 points out clearly that, Saul was Davids enemy continually.. Lean on him to pull you out of these deep waters. Perhaps you have heard the song, Lord Help Me To Hold Out. It is a call for perseverance in the midst of the storms of life. O LORD, be my helper!" (Ps. This simple but powerful prayer takes human need and places it in the hands of Almighty God. Do you know the feeling of being overwhelmed to the point of thinking that you are not going to make it, or that you are going to be crushed? OPENING: - The other day while driving down the road I passed a billboard that said, Help is here then another said, For lifes unexpected moments Help is here! It doesn't ask for the removal of storms, but it only asks that God would help the singer to hold on until "my change" comes. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me." Can you relate to the feeling that the Lord is not answering your prayers on time? If we understand how he responded to being in trouble and apply it to our lives, it will make a game-changing difference for us when we face troubles of various kinds. In 2003 our church theme is, "Lord, teach us to pray.". His case is so convincing, so true, that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are guilty. It's not easy staying positive when we run into daily trials and tribulations. My prayer usually goes something like this. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. He talks about being pounded by waves which threatened to destroy him. read more, Scripture: Show me Lord, what You would have me to do. Just know that even when you feel you cant go another step, or another day, under the crushing weight of your circumstances, you can, by faith, cry out, Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me! Isaiah 41:10-13, Denomination: When we are in trouble, the words we use to cry out for help are not as important as the person to whom we call. Hold on a little while longer. color:#ffffff !important; Learn how your comment data is processed. Eyes of understanding, love, and patience. A few weeks ago I wondered how many lives had ended with two words, WHO cares? "Lord, when the tempest rages, I need not fear, For You, the Rock of Ages, Are always near. When Joseph is in prison for a crime he did not commit and is forgotten for two years having asked to be remembered, he learns to trust God even when it seems your life is put on hold. 23:1) B. 1. Baptist, A sermon directing others to keep punishing forward. Try. My Help Comes From The Lord! BE ENCOURAGED BY TODAYS VERSE- THE DEVIL WILL DO HIS BEST TO KEEP YOU FROM SINGING YOUR SONG. read more. Rev. "Hold my hand," a parent may say to a child as they prepare to . font-weight:bold; Lord Help Me to Hold Out. 1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, P.O. Jehovah Ezer Most people that know us Oh yeah, Ill tell you somethin He will never abandon you. #10 in Proverbs & Parables Series. Song LEFT us into a masterpiece very beginning of the psalm are guilty people who not. The messy clay of our lives from lions and bears your heart ; I was in... 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