successful adverse possession cases in california

App. Decision To obtain title, an adverse possessor is required to prove that he or she "timely paid all state, county, or municipal taxes that have been levied and assessed upon the land for [a] period of five years." CCP 325 (b). 2. App. In the present case, however, the respondent proved by substantial evidence that the description on the tax assessment rolls was mistaken and that he and his predecessors not only thought that they were paying taxes on the land occupied but in fact paid taxes actually assessed against such lands. The Holzer case involved a different situation, a dispute as to boundaries, that turned on the question whether the occupier in occupying up to a certain line intended to claim the land included in the record title of his neighbor or to claim only whatever land was described in his own deed. ( 871.5.). Colorado. The adverse possessor must enter the land without consent (adversely) and stay openly, obviously and con-tinuously in peaceable possession for a given number of years. 54 has passed by adverse possession. Since the Woodward case, it has been an established rule in this state that 'Title by adverse possession may be acquired through the possession or use commenced under mistake.' 3d 321] predecessors relied upon the position of the stake. 3d 679, 686 [83 Cal. : VC065388 262].) The requirement of 'hostility' relied on by appellant (see West v. Evans, 29 Cal. To occupy a residential structure solely by claim of adverse possession and offers the property for lease to another commits theft under s. 812.014, F.S. In order to tack one person's possession to that of another, some form of privity between successive claimants for the five-year period is necessary. (1) Adverse Possession Various commentaries agree that the title presented need not be legal. INTERIOR SERVICES, LLC, et al., Defendants. However, not all such claims are nearly as straightforward; and, in general, adverse possession is not easy to establish. Jesus Cisneros v. Mary Hernandez, et al. It has no application to a situation where the deed describes none of the land possessed by the claimant's predecessor and the predecessor has transferred possession and attempted to transfer title to all of the land that he possessed. You will lose the information in your envelope, LOPEZ VS. December 3, 1981. Moving Party to give notice. App. 2d 467] taxes were paid by him or his predecessors. 2d 143, 157 [40 P.2d 839]; Montecito Valley Co. v. Santa Barbara, 144 Cal. vii. stated its reasons with sufficiently specificity and to the extent they have not DIAZ v. GOAL LINE PROPERTIES, LLC For this reason it is generally held that the privity necessary to support the tacking of successive possessions of property may be based upon "any connecting relationship which will prevent a breach in the adverse possession and refer the several possessions to the original entry, and for this purpose no written transfer or agreement is necessary." App. 578; cases from other jurisdictions collected, 97 A.L.R. (See Code Civ. 776 [195 P. 1068]; Johnson v. Buck, 7 Cal. Section 325 provides that "For the purpose of constituting an adverse possession by a person claiming title, not founded upon a written instrument, judgment, or decree, land is deemed to have been possessed and occupied in the following cases only: (1) Where it has been protected by a substantial inclosure. 3d 866, 872 [124 Cal. Adverse possession may be based on either color of title or a claim of right. (Safwenberg v. Marquez (1975) 50 Cal.App.3d 301, 309.) (Wood v. Davidson, 62 Cal. (E.g., Sorensen v. Costa, supra, 32 Cal. Background FN 2. Insofar as the statutory policy is predicated upon mistake by the occupant, they reflect an intent to grant relief to the mistaken occupier, not to repudiate or reduce his rights. In such a case, the possession is not considered to be hostile. Plaintiffs request for judicial notice is GRANTED as to the existence of the documents, but ..f action; the tenth through fourteenth causes of action; and the sixteenth through twenty-second causes of action. Finding that defendants and their predecessors mistakenly believed from the outset that the disputed portion of lot 1407 was part of lot 1408, the trial court determined that they did not intend to claim any land which did not belong to them and that their possession was not hostile and adverse. 2d 44, 48 [68 P.2d 278], appellant contends that only a deed describing the land claimed will supply the necessary privity. 2d 92, 98 [122 P.2d 619]; see also Lummer v. Unruh, 25 Cal. Plaintiffs stopped paying rent in August 2014. Adverse possession under section 322 is based on what is commonly referred to as color of title. A co-owner who ejects their co-owner in a way that the law deems unlawful is an ouster. absent an ouster, not sufficient to create a triable issue of material fact as to whether title In the Von Neindorff case, supra, 21 Cal. Plaintiff Rosemary Thompson (Plaintiff) alleges that she obtained the Property by ..son Union High Sch. 484, 489-490 [119 P. 893]; Raab v. Casper, supra, 51 Cal. The complaint is to be construed liberally to determine whether a cause of action has been stated. We conclude that neither modern conditions nor the good-faith-improver statutes warrant repudiation of Sorensen. (Kendall-Jackson Winery, Ltd. v. Super. The tenants remained in possession, paying their rent to respondent until the termination of their tenancy, about six months later, when respondent went into possession. 2 . 2d 414, 417 [175 P.2d 219]) means, not that the parties must have a dispute as to the title during the period of possession, but that the claimant's possession must be adverse to the record owner, 'unaccompanied by any recognition, express or inferable from the circumstances of the right in the latter.' That statement is not applicable to the present case, for the trial court found on the basis of substantial evidence that respondent and his predecessors did claim the land as their own and held it 'adversely to all the world.' Schorr Law Wins Multi-Million Dollar Trial Involving Adverse Possession. ( 871.5.) (Code Civ. : TC029021 Pleading Adverse Possession to Quiet Title. (Id. Unlike the adverse possession doctrine, the statutes are not predicated upon length of occupancy. 12, 17, this court expressly held that if the claimant intends to claim the area occupied as his land, the mere fact that the claim was based on mistake does not preclude him from acquiring title by adverse possession. b. ), 156 S.W. (West v. Evans, supra, 29 Cal. (99 Cal.App.3d at p. Nettie Connolly has been in possession for many years of property that includes the east half of Lot 7, which is unimproved land, and the west half of Lot 6. 301, 305 [15 P. 845] and a dictum in Marsicano v. Luning, 19 Cal. Adverse possession occurs when another person takes over your title after possessing your land. ], This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. 423]. 14, 58; 4 Tiffany, Real Property [supra], 1159; 1 Walsh, Commentaries on the Law of Real Property, 19.). fn. 3d 201, 210-211 [154 Cal. 18. . While this may seem like an old or seldom used legal theory, it actually has modern day use and consequences. A court may not grant relief if a setoff or right of removal would accomplish substantial justice. Stat. fn. "It is possession not title which is vital privity may exist where one by agreement surrenders his possession to another in such manner that no interruption or interval occurs between the two possessions without a recorded conveyance, or even without writing of any kind if actual possession is transferred." In the circumstances, the trial court was not required to infer that the assessor concluded the sidewalk and plantings reflected ownership of the disputed land by defendants and their predecessors. Ct. (1999) 76 Cal.App.4th 970, 979. A cause of action for the recovery of real property accrues when the owner is deprived of possession. Upon a review of the FAC (which the court notes has made but minor, superficial changes), 2d 453, 466.) Adverse possession under color of title is founded on a written instrument, judgment or decree, purporting to convey the land, but for some reason defective. Id. The following are the four major elements that make an adverse possession claim valid. In the present case there can be no question under the findings of the trial court that the occupation of respondent and his predecessors was such as to constitute reasonable notice that they claimed the land as their own. The reasoning supports, at most, a rule designed to protect the claimant's predecessor where he transfers by deed a part but not all of the land he possessed. The land was in possession of tenants of Nicholas and Josephine Kadas in March, 1940, when they executed a deed in favor of respondent, Ernest T. Sorenson, likewise describing adjoining land. Colo. Rev. 430.10(e); Zelig v. County of Los Angeles (2002) 27 Cal.App.4th 1112, 1126.) App. Rptr. Adverse possession can extinguish an easement, no cases in NH about extinguishment of conservation easement i. Titcomb v. Anthony, 126 N.H. 434, 437 (1985) - "It is . The demurrers are sustained without leave to amend. There is much caselaw interpreting those words as legal terms of art, and a qualified real estate litigation attorney (myself or others) should be able to assist you. 4th 631, 639.). Morse & Richards and Stanley C. Smallwood for Respondent. You're all set! Elements of Adverse Possession. California follows the majority rule that the claim of right is sufficient, whether it is deliberately wrongful or based on mistake. App. 135, 147.) Cal. The California appellate division ruled in Hagman v. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. Case No. Under the stipulated facts, their possession was hostile and adverse. [5a] The stipulated facts in the instant case establish that defendants and their predecessors took possession of the disputed land mistakenly believing they were the owners. [9] In the present case, although the finding that the land in question was conveyed by deeds mistakenly describing the property does not alone support the conclusion that the privity necessary to tack successive possessions existed between respondent and his predecessors, it does support the conclusion that respondent's predecessors intended to transfer the land in question. 3d 328]. 2d 368, 372 [188 P.2d 745].) The court did not define the term "privity of estate," and there is no reason to assume that the court intended to use this term as restricted to privity between transferees by deed. (Code Civ. In Saner v. Knight, 86 Cal. When, as in the instant case, title is asserted by claim of right, Code of Civil Procedure section 324 provides: "Where it appears that there has been an actual continued occupation of land, under a claim of title, exclusive of any other right, but not founded upon a written instrument, judgment or decree, the land so actually occupied, and no other, is deemed to have been held adversely.". Rptr. I. (Price v. De Reyes (1911) 161 Cal. 2d 414, 417 [175 P.2d 219]; Kunza v. Gaskell (1979) 91 Cal. Your alert tracking was successfully added. A color of title adverse possession claim also requires good faith reliance upon it by the party claiming adverse possession. 3 (See Branch v. Lee, 373 Ill. 333 [26 N.E.2d 88]; see also Lummer v. Unruh, supra, 25 Cal. In none of these cases, however, does it appear that the claimant showed that the descriptions on the tax receipts were erroneous and that he actually paid the taxes assessed on the land in controversy. [3] Since the Woodward case, it has been an established rule in this state that "Title by adverse possession may be acquired through the possession or use commenced under mistake." possession is by actual occupation under such circumstances as to constitute reasonable notice to the owner; possession is be hostile to the owner's title; the holder claims the property [as] her/his own, either under color of title, or claim of right; possessionn was be continuous and uninterrupted for five years; and. Posts about Adverse possession written by Michael Lower. fn. Code 325 . App. Can the government adversely possess property? " Since the deeds in question did not include the land occupied, adverse possession thereof is governed by sections 324 and 325 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Caylor, Dowling, Edwards & Kaufman, Gary M. Caylor and Linda M. Hartman for Plaintiffs and Respondents. Appellant contends, however, that respondent is precluded, as a matter of law, from establishing title by adverse possession. You're all set! 3d 180, 187 [116 Cal. A similar contention was rejected by this court in Woodward v. Faris, 109 Cal. It is not enough for a party to merely occupy land which belongs to someone else. Judgment was entered for respondent quieting his title to the land occupied by him, namely, the west half of Lot 7, subject to the deed of trust in favor of E. E. Rose and Bessie C. Rose; the judgment also determined that Nettie Connolly owns the land occupied by her, namely, the east half of Lot 7. A feature of Tennessee's adverse possession statutes that it shares with 18 other states is that if the trespasser occupies the land "under color of title," the minimum time necessary to become the legal owner may shorten from 20 years to seven. If the party does not make conscious efforts to exclude others and if there is any . 7 2d 458] taxes assessed by the City of Benicia and the County of Solano, against the properties actually occupied by them. (Ballantine, supra, 32 Harv.L.Rev. Meanwhile, respondent also brought an action against Nettie Connolly claiming title under his deed to the east half of Lot 7. Typically, these requirements include occupying . Tentative ruling: C 10/30/91. In both cases the claimant attempted to support his claim of adverse possession by a deed excluding the land claimed, and it was held that such deeds did not supply the necessary privity. At trial, Hagman admitted he paid no taxes on the disputed land. 435]; Winchell v. Lambert (1956) 146 Cal. 2d 590, 596; Sorenson v. Costa, 32 Cal. While possession by an agent or tenant of the party is sufficient, failure to plead actual possession leaves a Quiet Title complaint subject to dismissal. 2d 465] assessment rolls and that the property occupied by respondent has been described in the tax assessment rolls of both the city and county as the east half of Lot 7 and assessed to respondent and his predecessors as improved property. To the extent that the intention may have been manifested by evidence of conduct or statements reflecting that the fence was temporary or never intended to establish a boundary line, the case is in accord with Sorensen. Adverse possession is not a two-way street The Michel case illustrates that municipalities may adversely possess property in the same manner as private individuals, yet RCW 7.28.090 will bar adverse possession claims against municipalities in many instances. 2d 590, 596; Sorenson v. ), The defense of unclean hands arises from the maxim, He who comes into Equity must come with clean hands. (Kendall-Jackson Winery, Ltd. v. Super. The successive occupants must claim through and under their predecessors [32 Cal. Matter on calendar for: CMC; hearing on demurrer to FAC the specific facts Boundary Disputes. 2d 461] period prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure as sufficient to bar any action for the recovery of the property confers a title thereto sufficient against all. at 309-310 citing Woodward v. Faris, 109 Cal. He had the land surveyed and discovered that the tax deed actually described the land on which he had been living for nearly 40 years. Proc., 312.) DEED OF TRUST #20071755925, ROSEMARY THOMPSON VS O C INTERIOR SERVICES LLC ET AL, CARLOS MORENO VS ALL PERSONS UNKNOWN, CLAIMING ANY LEGAL OR EQUITABLE RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE, Construction Defect Liability (Right to Repair Act), Application for Order of Sale of Dwelling, Opposing Forfeiture of a Lease or Rental Agreement. Sign it in a few clicks Proc., 322-325.) 142]; Bonds v. Smith, 143 F.2d 369, 371; cases collected 46 A.L.R. The sidewalk was used for access to and from a deck and dock on the lake. Contact Talkov Law today at (844) 4-TALKOV (825568) to speak with an attorney Rptr. 97, 104.). For one, the burden of proof is on the trespasser. Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment, or in the alternative, Summary Adjudication, is GRANTED. App. 533]; Newman v. Cornelius (1970) 3 Cal. * TENTATIVE RULING: * (Park v. Powers, supra, 2 Cal. Your recipients will receive an email with this envelope shortly and BOX 942879, SACRAMENTO, CAI.IFORNIA 94279.0001) (916) 324-:6592 ,.~ ~ WllLIAJIU.SEMllt . App. No. Similar deeds were executed by Nelson and his successors in interest, including a deed executed in 1928 by H. C. and Myrtle Glass to George Costa, the son of appellant, who occupied the land until 1936, when he transferred possession to E. E. Rose and Bessie Rose and executed a deed in their favor likewise describing the adjoining land. Property held by the federal government, a state, or a MUNICIPAL . Plaintiff Mark Hooshmand has opposed this motio ..some new photographs. The trial court found that respondent and "his predecessors in title" have been in possession of the property in question by virtue of deeds mistakenly describing the property as the east one-half of Lot 7 for more than the statutory period and that the land in question was conveyed to plaintiff and his predecessors by deeds describing the adjoining property. The "ultimate test" of adverse possession is whether the party claiming adverse possession exercised dominion over the land in a manner consistent with actions a true owner would take. 6.25 v. 5 (1+.05) . Estate of Williams (1977) 73 Cal.App.3d 141, 147. s Adverse Possession defense Mere occupation, payment of taxes or mortgage, and other acts In the latter case it was said: "There is no peculiar sacredness in a title to land obtained through a judgment that lifts it out of the scope and purview of statutes of "limitation, and if the possession be adverse for ten years, whether it be by the defendant in the judgment or anyone else, it will perfect a title." It is stated in Thomson v. App. His next-door neighbor, respondent, has a deed describing the east half of Lot 7, but he has been occupying a house on land described in appellant's deed, the west half of Lot 7. 3d 866, 878; Walner v. City of Turlock (1964) 230 Cal. 3d 562, 574. The law protects the de minims takings . Appellant relies on Breen v. Donnelly, 74 Cal. In some cases . Gibson, C.J., Shenk, J., Edmonds, J., Carter, J., Schauer, J., and Spence, J., concurred. For this reason, a successful adverse possession defense attacks the viability of each element of the claim. 4900 1373 Copyright Judicial Council of California right to use the land in a particular way (i.e., an easement)." (Hansen, supra, 22 679, 686. [8] The requirement of privity between several possessors of land is based on the theory that "The several occupancies must be so connected that each occupant can go back to the original entry or holding as a source of title. Standard The rule is particularly appropriate in a case such as this where the land, the predecessor's possession of which is relied upon, was particularly excepted from the conveyance made by the predecessor." 2d 675, 728; Burton v. Sosinsky (1988) 203 Cal. It was pointed out that in such cases the possessor is not claiming adversely. In 1890 L. B. Misner executed a deed to Lot 7 to E. F. Albee and F. M. Carson. The court's only comment relevant to the problem of privity in the Allen case, however, is that "it may be further suggested that a privity of estate is absolutely necessary before various periods of adverse possession created by different parties may be tacked together, and, as to the land in controversy, the existence of such privity is not entirely plain." App. 3d 180.). 01. Though state statues differ, they all require the same basic elements of adverse possession. The question remains what privity other than that based on a deed describing the land will supply the necessary continuity of possession between respondent and his predecessors for the five-year period preceding the commencement of this action. Accordingly, we do not address those questions. 122, 128 [84 P. 835], and Von Neindorff v. Schallock, 21 Cal. Quiet Title: Vanyo claims that an action for quiet title does not raise a claim for adverse possession. Appellant's contentions in this regard may be classified under the following headings: (1) That the mutual mistake of the parties precluded respondent from establishing the adverse character of the possession of the property by him and his predecessors; (2) that the fact that the deeds held by respondent and his predecessors failed to describe the land in question precluded him from showing continuity of possession for the statutory period; (3) that respondent did not prove that he and his predecessors paid all the taxes assessed on the land in question during the statutory period. at 15, where both parties were operating under a mutual mistake during the statutory period. 266, 269 [32 P. 173]; Finley v. Yuba County Water Dist. Although the cases relied on contain statements to that effect, the actual holdings are not inconsistent with the view that privity may be supplied by other means. Rptr. It was held that the landowners paid taxes on the basis of the homes and lots occupied and that assessment roll descriptions were erroneous. " (Civ. ", The relationship between the mistake rule and the exception was addressed in Sorensen v. Costa (1948) 32 Cal. Such justification for the rule is as applicable to our modern society as in past years and has little relation to method of deed description. We will email you Case No. The improved portion of lot 1407 is apparently a strip about 15 feet wide. 3d 201, 210-211; Lobro v. Watson (1974) 42 Cal. : BC607078 (Park v. Powers, supra, 2 Cal. In 1893, E. M. Carson executed a deed to Nicholas Nelson describing the east half of Lot 7. 23, 29 [91 P. 994]; Wilder v. Nicolaus, 50 Cal. 2d 271, 276 [325 P.2d 240]; Frericks v. Sorensen (1952) 113 Cal. 278]; Meier v. Meier, 71 Cal. App. In some cases, this may involve occupying an abandoned property for a certain period of time and/or paying the property taxes that the property owner failed to pay. The improver has the burden of establishing entitlement to such relief, and the "degree of negligence" will be taken into account in determining whether he is in good faith and in determining what relief is consistent with substantial justice. HEARING ON MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT FILED BY DAVID MAHONEY, Estate of Williams (1977) 73 Cal.App.3d 141, 147. VS. ELIAS ORTIZ, ET AL. 359, 463 P.2d 1]; Sorensen v. Costa (1948) 32 Cal. Texas' Most Infamous Adverse Possession Case In June of 2010, Kenneth Robinson made a claim of adverse possession to a $340,000 home in Flower Mound, Texas, by paying a $16 filing fee. If you wish to keep the information in your envelope between pages, 230 Cal, 157 [ 40 P.2d 839 ] ; see also Lummer v. Unruh, Cal! ( 825568 ) to speak with an attorney Rptr 1975 ) 50 Cal.App.3d 301,.... 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