How old are you now?However, as the Mirena is due to be taken out later this year and because of the fibroid, he suggested he take it out now. Most women will experience some symptoms around the menopause. But I think, if you had it in for the full 5 years, the level of progesterone by then would be very very low. 4574. If not I’m getting another put in damn quick!!! What is the difference between perimenopause and the menopause? Reveals what the lastest studies really show about Hormone Replacement Therapy and its side efects. Here you will discover how you can get rid of your menopausal symptoms naturally. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists has produced guidance for gynaecological services during the . I'm still having spotting once a month. This was amazing and transformed my life. But my surgery keeps calling me in to have the coil removed. The medical name for heavy periods is menorrhagia. Mirena Coil. An alternative treatment could be in the form of a hormone releasing system called a Mirena Coil. This guideline covers the diagnosis and management of menopause, including in women who have premature ovarian insufficiency. So it would be normal to replace it or plan to, if you were not post menopause, so they need to see where you are now in menopause. 54, 4 years post menopause started estrogel, Mirena coil and estring in December 2015. The Mirena worked like a dream. I've found that the family planning clinics are doing them all the time and it's much less of an event getting them fitted there by an expert. There is no test that can tell for certain whether you're in the menopause and can stop contraception. The Mirena Coil does not affect the onset of the menopause. Well,I didn't bother having it removed as my GP said that it could be safely left in for 8 years as I wasn't relying on it for contraceptive purposes. Was it just a guess at age? I’m currently on my second one and think I have about a year left on this one. If after a couple of months I find I feel better during my estrogen weeks he will then either prescribe me progestogen tablets or the mirena coil (I'm favouring the tablet at the moment, don't like the idea of a coil). However, after daring to have sex - a lot of sex . But it has reduced the pain massively and i dont really get any problems with it. Mirena Coil. Heavy periods (menorrhagia) Heavy periods are when your periods are consistently so heavy that they interfere with your daily life. I'm in a similar position, had v v painful and heavy periods for years, perimenopausal as well, Dr today has recommended mirena. To not want an awake child around at 11pm when I'm on holiday PART DEUX, CF part two. Got a couple of days of spotting but nothing for last few months. 'Women expect the menopause to bring hot flushes and sweats but can be surprised by mood changes. This in turn has the effect of less coming away as a period. For more information, see our section on diagnosis above. ch3r1_1991 9 years ago. Five years ago my periods were becoming very irregular (no doubt because my menopause was imminent). I think that you can try the Mirena and you can see if it suits you. Mine were awful and, untreated, led to crazy-heavy flooding periods - 12-14 days of constant heavy bleeding every month. Women aged over 40 years have a distinct set of needs regarding contraception. he Mirena coil, containing a small amount of progesterone hormone, is a useful treatment. The pill is traditionally taken for 21 days, followed by a seven-day break, during which time you have what's known as a 'withdrawal bleed', similar to a period. Symptoms usually start a few months or years before your periods stop, known as the perimenopause, and can persist for some time afterwards.. On average, most symptoms last around 4 years from your last period. If heavy menstrual bleeding is negatively impacting your life, your doctor may suggest hormonal contraception, like the contraceptive pill or the Mirena coil, to help lighten your monthly bleed.. Please help, advice needed!!!! I've not had children and apparently that's likely to make it more painful, I think that's fed into my fear. Its worked well for me. I've just had blood work as the doctor wants the coil out, and I was unsure if I had gone through menopause. I have no advice...but there are some very helpful people on the menopause matters site..I suggest asking there....good luck...menopause is not easy. I don't know if I'm still having periods as the Mirena was only taken out recently. Mirena can improve at least one menopause symptom — heavy bleeding. I became anaemic. I have minimal spotting every few months and nothing else of note. About three in 1,000 ovarian cysts turn out to be cancerous in women over the age of 50. Sooo many questions. so must have been lucky.I have had no problems with dryness. Hope this helps you make your decision. I don’t think it’s coincidence. Menopause causes changes throughout your whole body. I understand the risks of cancer are less if you have the Mirena in place - and so just progesterone going to your uterus, not your whole body.Can’t remember your OP, but it’s worth speaking to a GP or other Dr who specialises in the menopause. Sorry to hear about your heavy bleeding issues, I've come on for some reassurance that mine is normal (it seems so) and looks like a mirena might be the only way to go. So now it looks as if I may finally get to my holy grail of HRT - a Mirena coil and oestrogen gel - 20 months after I was recommended it by the now-head of the British Menopause Society. yikesanotherbooboo Thu 26-Aug-21 07:47:38. Totally clueless on these matters! on my HONEYMOON. I'm 36 years old and was diagnosed with complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia following a hysteroscopy and biopsy last March. Until very recently mirenas had to be paid for where I live so I'm happy to keep it in and it's not a service my local gp provides. July 27, 2018. If you have it fitted on or immediately after (1-2days) your period it is effective immediately if you have it fitted any other time during your cycle it is advised to wait a week. I always struggled with crippling migraines when I had my period. The ironic thing is, emotionally, I'm actually feeling really well on the Evorel Conti! Does the menopause magnet work? Best thing ever. How old were you? Create an account to join the conversation, Have your say, get notified on what matters to you and see fewer ads, This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 15 messages.). Treatment for cancer with chemotherapy or pelvic radiation therapy has been linked to early menopause. Abnormal Vaginal Discharge. Anyone been through this and dont suppose you had it out and weight fell off? I don't need it for contraception since DH became XH about 5 years ago. It was meant to stop my periods altogether however that hasn't happened yet. EUROPEAN PRACTICE IN GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICT is a series of books conceived and endorsed by the European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (EBCOG). In your case this could be post pill amenorrhea that results from prolonged use of hormonal contraception. well over the M age now. Outlines a method to improve physical and mental health by optimizing hormones, sharing guidelines in functional and integrative therapies to explain how to reverse hormone-related health decline without prescription medicines. Hi Daisy, sorry about late reply. Practitioners and researchers will find that this volume is a comprehensive resource for objective clinical information. But this is not a useful test in women over 45 as FSH levels naturally go up and down at this . You'll have a number of tests to check whether your ovarian cyst is benign or cancerous. To not want an awake child around at 11pm when I'm on holiday PART DEUX, CF part two. Tiny spotting once a month and forget about it otherwise. I was worried I would then hit the M head on.but Zilch. I had my Mirena removed 3 weeks ago, day 7 of my cycle. Mine's been in about 10 years. The gynaecologist said that there are no signs of cancer. I don't have any other symptoms (touch wood). The common symptoms of the menopause are associated with a . Highly Commended in Obstetrics & Gynaecology Category, British Medical Association Book Prize 2006 Judges Comments "This book is structured well into 4 sections. Now, in this revolutionary book, Dr. Schwartz shares her proven program to help women prevent, reduce, and even eliminate these symptoms of hormone imbalance naturally. First one I spoke to was useless. I think they do some testing of your hormone levels? Test Lollipop’s new shopping assistant and get a £10 voucher for feedback, How's your childcare? The time between periods does lengthen as your hormones lurch toward menopause — in one study of 120 women, the average cycle length was 80 days in the 12 months before their final period. The Mirena coil is a long-acting, reversible form of contraception (LARC), also known as an intrauterine system (IUS). However, as the Mirena is due to be taken out later this year and because of the fibroid, he suggested he take it out now. The guideline aims to improve the consistency of support and information provided to women in menopause. Rachel M (1431) 13/05/2017 at 11:13 am. If you have it fitted on or immediately after (1-2days) your period it is effective immediately if you have it fitted any other time during your cycle it is advised to wait a week. Menopause weight gain: why it happens. So I'm surprised you're having withdrawal-type symptoms. Five years ago my periods were becoming very irregular (no doubt because my menopause was imminent). Download Leaflet. So got removed Sterelized and thermoblaion Initially my periods stopped just spotting Then had a cyst removed raised c 125 blood led to further tests ct scans and yesterday had a laproscopy done under general anaesthetic. And ye gods, tell us how to get a good night's sleep! The periods stop because of suppression of pituitary gland in the brain by the contraceptives. Someone told me mirena can be used instead of hrt to ease menopausal symptoms. I've had 5 Mirena coils over the years, purely to stop heavy bleeding. There is a blood test to measure levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) that can indicate if a woman is becoming menopausal. If you have any medical concerns do consult your GP. Women with a family history of early menopause may experience early menopause themselves. I was one of the lucky ones and my periods stopped completely. Would like opinions/advice on weight gain from anyone with the Mirena coil fitted, specifically water retention. Just because you have a Mirena Coil in, does not mean your menopause will start later than it would have without the coil. To not want an awake child around at 11pm when I'm on holiday PART DEUX, CF part two. 0. I was still getting regular heavy periods then. Other factors to consider. I was one of the lucky ones and my periods stopped completely. What's happened to change it? Voldemutt and the philosopher's bone, Would you like help with your weekly food shop? I've read lots of negative stuff recently about effects of mirena but I can only speak from personal experience and I'm glad I found it.Good luck. I may well get a bleed - but I'll put up with this if it makes everything else seem better. Feel destined for cellulite, saddle bags, and belly fat? Does your family come from a long line of Alzheimer's, cancer, or heart disease? Will nothing help your aging skin or declining libido or flagging energy? This book is for you. The Mirena coil is a small plastic T-shaped intrauterine device. Regarding weight loss/gain,when I had my first Mirena put in,I weighed just over 19 and a half stone. Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT, is widely used for treatment of menopausal symptoms, and is considered by many to be the most effective. In the end they removed the fibroids, gave me a womb ablation (removing the lining of the womb; sounds way worse than it was!) Have read so many horror stories about them, am scared to death. Alopecia is the clinical term for hair . I had a Mirina a fitted 5 years ago to stop v heavy bleeding. Women aged over 40 years have a distinct set of needs regarding contraception. Consultations. The product label for Mirena lists alopecia as one of the side effects reported in less than 5 percent of women who received the IUD during clinical trials. How do you avoid weight gain? Don't worry too much. Since then I am having the most horrendous night and daytime sweats.Is this a coincidence or could it be because when the Mirena coil was in place it somehow hid all my menopausal symptoms?Thanks! No menopause test. ! Result : post menopausal. I've just had blood work as the doctor wants the coil out, and I was unsure if I had gone through menopause. For Healthcare Professionals. Mirena coil and Norethisterone by: Wray Hi Ruth The Mirena does not release progesterone as many women are lead to believe, but a progestin called levonorgestrel. I've not changed any of my eating/exercise habits, so am at a loss as to explain it. However if you understand your cycle then you realise you can have sex a week before your period is due. Many menopause specialists do not prescribe estrogen tablets as a first choice as there is an associated (small) thrombosis risk, this form of estrogen used lowers libido (even more!) If you have any medical concerns do consult your GP. It’s pretty small - the coil. They eventually fade off regardless of whether you have coil or not? Did not find out I was even pregnant until I was six MONTHS {since you can go without bleeding with Mirena, it was not out of the ordinary}. In the years leading up to menopause (perimenopause), your estrogen and progesterone levels bounce up and down.These shifting . Heavy periods - some suggest Mirena coil. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. How old were you when you went through menopause ? Generally the periods return in 6 months time. I do wonder sometimes how easy it will be to get out! Mirena Coil in post-menopausal women. The coil releases a hormone inside the womb, the effect of this is to stop the womb lining building up. I had my last one put in @5 years ago, I’m now nearly 51 and GP says it can stay in and yes help with menopause. I have had consistent 'periods' every 26/27 days on the coil. the menopause - headaches usually worsen as you approach the menopause, partly because periods come more often and partly because the normal hormone cycle is disrupted pregnancy - headaches can get worse in the first few weeks of pregnancy, but they usually improve or stop completely during the last 6 months; they do not harm the baby Feeling a little lost in terms of where to look for help/guidelines and hoping that someone here might be able to help. I had the Mirena coil put in April 2012 and it works for me a treat. According to experts, it's this, rather than the menopause itself, that bears the brunt of the responsibility for weight gain in middle age. The duration and severity of these symptoms varies from woman to woman. The British Menopause Society (BMS), established in 1989, educates, informs and guides Healthcare professionals on menopause and all aspects of post reproductive health.This is achieved through an annual programme of lectures, conferences, meetings, exhibitions and our interactive website. It contains a progestogen (progesterone-like substance) that is released into the womb over a period of 5 years. It is written for patients and gives information about taking or using a medicine. @LilOldMe no pain or cramps etc. Due to my age and desire to retain . (im 59). It is licensed in the UK and Ireland as a contraceptive agent, for treatment of heavy periods and for the progestogen component of HRT. I'm 59, coil stopped my periods and I've had no other meno symptoms at all. Nightmare things! NEVER AGAIN! (I’m 50). Guest; Re: Oestrogel split dose or all at once? I'm glad to hear that others are being advised that their Mirena can stay in. Hi OP I'm in exactly the same position - very prolonged bleeding / flooded.Concerned about potential side effects of mirena. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. The Mirena coil is a small plastic T-shaped intrauterine device. The book includes coverage of methods for preserving fertility, new developments in the laboratory for preserving gametes and gonadal tissue, and the psychosocial, legal, and ethical issues of fertility preservation. Utrogestan is next best as a capsule but some women do get quite a lot of symptoms from the progesterone element. Nurse told me mine was doing nothing (been in 7 years) anymore and it could stay there doing nothing till the end of my days. Found insidePresents almost 100 common and uncommon gynecologic problems encountered in urgent and emergency settings with an emphasis on practical management. I always struggled with crippling migraines when I had my period. However she could feel a large fibroid. I've got vaginal atrophy, and am single with no sex, the whole thought of anyone going up there makes me cringe. I’m still bleeding slightly some days bad period pain I’ve had 18 months of hell with periods polyps I had my coil fitted in January I hope soon my bleeding and pains stop, today has been a good day pain wise. If you yearn for a deep and blissful night's sleep, this pocket guide is a must. To not want an awake child around at 11pm when I'm on holiday. Voldemutt and the philosopher's bone, Would you like help with your weekly food shop? I'm nearly 54 and had a mirena coil put in over 7 years ago. I've just had blood work as the doctor wants the coil out, and I was unsure if I had gone through menopause. That's the hope of the gynae consultant. Menstrual migraine. Our centre in Stratford-Upon-Avon offer face-to-face, video and telephone consultations. 10 Sep 2010 20:47. i kept mine in until I had had no periods of any description for a year. No problems at all with first one but second one I seemed to get even worse than usual pms so had it removed. I’ve had the Mirena inserted twice and it didn’t hurt Reason was for heavy unpredictable bleeding. I've been told as I don't need to for contraception to keep it in until it stops having an effect. Pre-menstrual syndrome is the name given to a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the two weeks prior to your period. My doctor fitted me with a Mirena coil to stop my periods coming and therefore stop my migraines. And ye gods, tell us how to get a good night's sleep! Lately my periods have become very sporadic - 1 September, then December & January, 2 in February and no more to date. Within 6 months,I had barely any monthly bleeding,just occasional light spotting and no pain. Weirdest thing someone's said to you just after sex...? Occasionally, you'll notice heavier and longer periods (when estrogen spikes), while at other times, you'll notice lighter and shorter periods (when estrogen drops). I assume that I've been through the menopause,I mean how many women in their 57th year haven't?! Early perimenopause tends to . Mumsnet has not checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. Ah ok. So if mirena stops periods how do you know you are through the menopause? I'd be surprised TBH @londonscalling because progesterone on its own does not alleviate things like sweats and flushes. One of our gps fits them and apparently has an appointment to discuss it with you first, so will go and see her, I suppose that can't hurt.I can't carry on with this amount of pain and blood loss though, I've just had enough. I did bleed a little for a couple of days after it was removed (I don't think that was a period though).What happened is that I had an MOT from my doctor for something completely different. Rachel M (1431) 13/05/2017 at 11:13 am. I therefore had a scan to check out my ovaries. I'm on my 4th and last, I'm late 50s, had this one put in about age 45, the doctor said the same as yours OP, no periods or spotting since I was 30, tbh, menopause was/is a breeze compared with most of my friends, not too many hot flushes/mood swings/weight gain etc. They then got me in for an MRI scan of my pelvis within days (which was surprising). I was home same day but in pain. If you compare this to the withdrawal method, which has a 27% rate of pregnancy within a year when used typically, 5 you will see why this is not a recommended method of contraception. So now it looks as if I may finally get to my holy grail of HRT - a Mirena coil and oestrogen gel - 20 months after I was recommended it by the now-head of the British Menopause Society. Had my first one - 2001 - 2007,second one - 2007 -2014,this one 2014 - current day. Hi all, looking for some advice on Mirena coil..I’ve been having peri menopausal symptoms for a few months now I’m either having incredibly heavy/ flooding periods that last weeks or skipping them completely, last week I ended up in hospital having to have a blood transfusion due to my hg levels going down to 7 after 2 weeks of the worst bleeding and passing clots I’ve ever experienced, my scan came back clear apart from a thick lining, I’ve been put on norethsterone to stop the bleeding and a appointment has been made for me to have a Mirena inserted this is something I really didn’t want as I’ve heard some horror stories about the pain of insertion plus I’m worried about side effects as after being on the norethsterone for only a week I’m already an emotional wreck to make matters worse at the hospital they tried twice to take a uterine biopsy but couldn’t get through my cervix even though I’ve had 3 children it seems clamped shut. I'm post-menopausal, and have just had my 5-year-old Mirena coil removed - and when I say "just", I mean less than an hour and a half ago. Create an account to join the conversation, Have your say, get notified on what matters to you and see fewer ads, This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 12 messages.). Building Families Through Surrogacy: A New Law: A Joint Consultation Paper cardiovascular disease, obesity, breast cancer, most gynaecological cancers) mean that the benefits and risks of contraception for this . However, I had teh 'egg white' ovulation sign on 29/12. Yes I'm drying up downstairs too. Thanks. My side effects were more that they made my periods extremely painfull ended up on high dose Co-codmol and then making my periods longer to the point I would be bleeding for nearly 10 plus days and more recently my periods are got so bad and heavy passing large clots sorry for that my . Pregnancy After 40. Truth Is A Woman is a poetry collection by Loren Jakobov. The poems discuss the World from the eyes of a woman, the pain and the beauty that lies therein. Is it worth talking to your GP about having it removed and what other options are available? How old were you? It sorted all that out and big bonus of not bleeding.It 's worth a go intrauterine device, tablet. Blood test to measure levels of follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) that is released the! A good night 's sleep if not I ’ ve sailed through menopause life which... Deux, CF part two, video and telephone consultations by the nurse at gp! Intrauterine device a deep and blissful night 's sleep, this one gynaecologist to rule mirena coil menopause mumsnet ovarian cancer care! Regardless of whether you have any medical concerns do consult your gp intrauterine device any medical do! Am at mirena coil menopause mumsnet loss as to explain it massively and I dont really get any problems with it age. 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